Score Higher on AP Spanish Lang 2024: Tips for FRQ 3 (Conversation)

My son is considering taking AP Spanish in his senior year next year. Class sign-up is coming in a few weeks. He might have opted for Spanish IV, but the high school sometimes does not have enough kids to offer that class. He likes the idea of improving his Spanish skills. None of us speak Spanish at all except for whatever son learned in Spanish I through III, which were simple 'A’s for him. His real aim is to be a jazz studies instrumental major. He is number 1 in his class of 189 right now, and a crummy grade could risk that spot. He has the standard junior year full of APUSH, APChem, Honors English (part of a 4-year Humanities sequence leading to AP English Lit), Spanish III, Pre-Calc, and a music elective with summer homework in APChem and APUSH and honors English. He would like to have maybe 10 more hours per week free in his senior year than he has in the junior year. Senior classes probably are the AP English Lit, AP Calculus AB, Honors Physics, Government, Spanish(AP?), AP Macroeconomics. Is AP Spanish like another APUSH, or is it easier, or does it sound like his senior schedule could be lighter than his junior schedule. It needs to be lighter so he can practice his instrument more and make it out to auditions. The AP Spanish would be some sort of remote or on-line course, not at his school, but an option supported by his school. How is the summer workload for AP Spanish as well?

In the five years that I taught AP Spanish, only one of my students did not pass, so I know these strategies work. I believe they will work for your students also.

Silent Discourse: This strategy is similar to Inside Outside circles but they are writing instead of speaking. Make a paper with a different essential question on the top of each paper, and pass them out. (You don’t need enough for every student to have a unique question, it works well to have 5 or 6 questions, but make enough copies so that everyone gets one question. Here’s a set I made for. I like print them on colored paper so the 1st question is one color, the 2nd question is a different, etc. Organize students so that everyone in the group gets a different question. (If you’ve got 5 questions, you’ll have 5 students per group.) Everyone has one minute to read the question and respond, in writing, on the paper. Since this is SILENT Discourse, NO IS TALKING ALLOWED, and it is blissfully peaceful, (for the teacher)! After one minute everyone passes their paper within their group, and everyone gets a new paper with a new question. They read what has already been written, respond to the previous comments (either with drawn emojis, comments or questions) and leave their own thoughts and observations. And repeat. Once everyone has seen and responded to all the questions in the group, do one more round so the student who wrote the first comment gets a chance to read what everyone else has written on their starting question. Finally, if time allows, shuffle the groups, so that everyone who started with the first question (So one student from each group) gets together and compares responses to the same question.

Is AP Spanish Language Hard? Is AP Spanish Language Worth Taking?

Teaching AP Spanish is rewarding, but also a time sucker. If you would rather not spend hours writing lesson plans in addition to correcting a mountain of essays and other assignments, use the ones I have created. Everything is done for you! All you have to do is teach, correct, and go home. Click on the link to see them.

16. Teachers as resources. You may think that your AP® Spanish teacher is only there as a source of infinite grammatical wisdom. But in fact, there may be no better person to speak with about the test than your own teacher! AP® teachers have seen hundred of students come through their classrooms. What’s more, as we’ll explain below, many AP® teachers grade the exams at summer institutes. Your teacher is a wealth of knowledge. Ask questions. Speak up. Take advantage of extra study sessions (or suggest them!).

Ready or not, here we go. Our students will be taking the full AP Language and Culture Exam next month. We only have a few weeks left, but these weeks are very important. We need to be intentional so our students can have the best possible chance, especially with the free response questions.

This is why so many teachers don’t want to teach AP Spanish. In order for students to improve their writing, they need frequent feedback, which, translated, means HOURS of daily correcting. No life. I’m serious. Tell your family members or significant others that, for a few months, you will be unavailable.

🌶️ AP Spanish Lang Cram Review: Persuasive Essay

Here’s a game that we often use in AP Spanish as a warm up, to get them thinking about Products, Practices and Perspectives in our culture and our target cultures. It works pretty well to do this before a Cultural Comparison practice, to get their ideas flowing.

AP Spanish Cram Persuasive Essay

I’m enrolled in the class. So far the class is basically a typical honors English class but in Spanish. The instructor is preparing us for the AP Exam so that’s good.

🌶️ AP Spanish Finale May 10, 2021

22. Know the themes. It’s the AP® Spanish Language and Culture exam. Of course it’s important to review your past subjunctive and transition words for the essays, but if you aren’t knowledgeable about the cultural themes that the AP® course is structured around, you cannot do well on the test.

🌶️ AP Spanish Language & Culture Finale Watch Party Admin 2

24. Know the scoring guidelines. In front of every AP® Spanish Language and Culture exam grader is a list of grading guidelines. What’s on them? How is your presentational writing section or interpersonal speaking section graded? This should not be a mystery to you – because the are posted right to the CollegeBoard website! If your AP® Spanish teacher hasn’t provided you and your classmates with these guidelines, download them and bring some copies to class. Knowing how you will be graded and the specific criteria that graders are looking for will take a lot of the guessing out of the exam game. Know exactly what the graders look for and supply it for them in your written and speaking parts – get the points you deserve!

🌶️ AP Spanish Language & Culture Finale Watch Party Admin 3

The AP Spanish courses are the most popular AP foreign language classes. In fact, they’re so popular that two sets of Spanish curricula exist: AP Spanish Language and Culture and AP Spanish Literature and Culture. This is the only AP foreign language that has more than one course offering. In 2019, over 185,000 students took the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam, making it by far the most popular foreign language exam taken.