High Commendation in Global John Locke Essay Competition
The John Locke Global Essay Prize is a prestigious competition hosted by the esteemed John Locke Institute, aimed at encouraging young minds to explore complex and intriguing questions outside the confines of traditional academic curricula. Competition date is on June 30, 2024. With a panel of expert judges drawn from leading universities worldwide, including Oxford and Princeton, this competition offers students a platform to showcase their intellectual abilities and engage in meaningful discourse.
During our Boot Camp, participants will engage in a comprehensive curriculum, including 4 hours of group class sessions and 6 hours of personalized 1:1 essay meetings. These sessions delve into critical attributes such as independent thinking, depth of knowledge, clear reasoning, critical analysis, and persuasive writing—essential elements for thriving in academic competitions. Our expert instructors provide invaluable insights and strategies to help students craft compelling essays that meet the competition's rigorous standards. Prepare for success in the John Locke Global Essay Prize History category with our specialized competition training Boot Camp designed for students in Grades 6-12, available online and on-site in Cupertino CA. As the Institute’s Director Martin Cox says, ‘the John Locke Institute aims, above all else, to teach the principles of logical, analytical, and rational thought’. This should be taken as a statement of the Institute’s intellectual values and priorities: while your essay must be persuasive, persuasion should primarily take the form of logical reasoning and evidence. Rhetorical flourishes must be undergirded and supported by argumentative quality and substance. In general, flowery prose should not take priority over clarity of expression and precision of thought. Overall, start researching as soon as possible, think critically about what you read, and focus on logical arguments and the use of evidence when putting forth your answer to the question. Entering the John Locke Essay Competition is bound to be an instructive experience for any student keen to develop themselves as a thinker and writer. I wish you luck! Furthermore, make sure to read the exemplar essays from past years of the competition, which you can find on the John Locke Institute’s website, especially those for the specific subject-category that you have chosen to enter. Again, don’t just read them but think about them and consider how they meet the stated objectives: How do they demonstrate insight and originality? How do they critically evaluate literature? What features of their writing style have aided the clarity of their argument? Do they counter possible objections to their argument? Use these excellent essays as models when it comes to writing your own. In other words, it is what you can do with information that counts. Armed with facts and evidence, what can you plausibly argue? What interesting claim can you defend? The subjects that the competition include, such as Philosophy, History, and Law, are deliberately chosen to foster the cultivation of higher academic virtues such as original thought and the capacity to contest difficult ideas: issues in these subjects, and the corresponding essay questions, are not the sort of thing that a quick Google search can resolve. In trying to answer them, a good answer will require you to reach deep insights that will develop your mind.
The John Locke Essay Competition
I entered the John Locke essay competition for economics which involved 19,000 contestant around the world of which only 100 applicants were shortlisted with an invitation to visit Oxford University to accept a certificate; additionally, the top 3 winners will also be announced.
John Locke Essay Competition: Commendation;
If you want to write a superb essay for the John Locke Essay Competition, you must first know what the examiners are looking for. The purpose of the essay competition is to cultivate the intellectual capacities of young people across the globe. These include:
2024 Essay Competition | John Locke Institute
Drawing on my experience as a marker for the John Locke Essay Competition in 2023, I have put together three tips for writing a successful essay.
John Locke essay competition 2024 shortlist : r/ApplyingToCollege
This article is credited to Karim. If you would like Karim’s support with the John Locke essay competition, you can visit his tutor profile here .
Past Essays | John Locke Institute
One essay across all subject-categories will be selected for the Grand Prize: a massive $10,000 scholarship to attend any of the John Locke Institute’s prestigious educational programmes, which include summer schools at Oxford and Princeton. The opportunity to study at the John Locke Institute is invaluable: your tutors will be world-leading academics, and previous students have subsequently gained admission to the most competitive international universities, including Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, Harvard, and Yale. Additionally, three essays under each subject-category will be selected for a prize scholarship of $2,000 to attend any of the John Locke Institute’s programmes. All prize winners will also be invited to a prize-giving ceremony in London.
John Locke Essay Competition: Guide & Overview 2024
The candidate who submits the best essay overall will be awarded an honorary John Locke Institute Junior Fellowship, which comes with a US$10,000 scholarship to attend one or more of our summer schools and/or visiting scholars programmes.