This is a college essay that worked for .

Even within intellectual pursuits there are perceived categorizationsthat can severely limit self-actualization. One such categorization isbetween the humanities and the sciences. I have always focused mystudies on one or the other: when engrossed in the abstract beauty ofset theory, I am less aware of literature; when I am engaged in studyingJames Joyce’s works, I do less mathematical proofs. A certain shift infocus is healthy, but a total severance is catastrophic, for being toonarrow renders the mind provincial.

How will you contribute? Make sure your answer to this question is clear. How have these experiences positioned you to make an impact at UW? What do you bring to the school and community (in ways that maybe others don’t)? While it doesn’t have to be truly unique, it’s great to aim in that direction: the best response will highlight a contribution that only you (or maybe you plus a few other applicants) would think to make.

Another detail to note is UW’s encouragement to show where you come from—the people, places, and things that have shaped who you are today. This is your chance to connect your unique upbringing, in a very broad sense of the word, with what has helped make you unstoppable. So take it.

This is a college essay that worked for (UPenn).

The University of Washington’s main campus in Seattle isn’t the type of public school that just services local residents. Rather, UW-Seattle attracts twice as many applicants from out-of-state/country than in-state each year. computer science, engineering, business, and nursing programs, in particular, attract an endless stream of high-caliber applicants from around the globe. Great grades and test scores will put aspiring Huskies on strong footing. However, the University of Washington also requires you to address two supplemental essay prompts.

You’ve completed the tedious work of to apply to and now you’re working on your UW essay prompts. Before you start worrying about the process, let’s break down each UW essay prompt so you can begin writing your UW application essays!

Remember that UW admissions doesn’t consider the Common App essay in their writing section. Two of the UW essay prompts are required and one UW essay prompt is optional. While the University of Washington acceptance rate may not seem so intimidating , your UW essay prompt responses can still make or break your application.

We have provided all three UW essay prompts for the 2022-2023 University of Washington supplemental essays below. You’ll find a breakdown of how to approach each of the University of Washington essay prompts as well as tips for writing UW application essays that will stand out.

This is a college essay that worked for (WashU).

In this essay prompt, UW wants to understand how your life experiences have prepared you to contribute to their diverse student community. Let's break down the key components of the prompt to guide your approach

Read college essay examples from admitted students

Of all the University of Washington essay prompts, this one is the longest and the most open-ended. This UW application essay should focus on some part of your character: the qualities that determine how you move through the world. In this UW application essay, try to highlight who you are, what you value, and who you’d be on UW’s campus.

Uw Essay Prompt Uw Essay Prompt

At MIT, I aspire to perform similar roles, broadening perspectives and strengthening the LGBTQ+ climate through personal relationships. By being open with my gender identity, having a great sense of humor, and embracing my peers and professors in thoughtful, relaxed one-on-one conversations, I hope to develop strong bonds founded in mutual respect. Just as MIT can be considered the home of science, MIT should be a home for the LGBTQ+ community. My dream is to form relationships that have a cascading effect at MIT through developing new champions and strengthening the climate for LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff. (247 words)

reading the essays that got me into UW (+ common app ..

UW-Seattle only labels three factors as being “very important” to the admissions process. Those factors are: the rigor of your high school coursework, GPA, and your application essays. In fact, the essays are rated as being of greater importance than test scores, extracurricular activities, or talent/ability.

University of Washington Essay Help. UW Essay Prompts

Share (a core part of) your world view. We’d recommend thinking about everything that UW is getting elsewhere, through your personal statement, activities list, and additional info section. Then assess: what aren’t they seeing yet? Remember, your essays’ primary function is to help a reader see who you are, what you value, what you bring to their campus and community. This essay uses the prompt as an opportunity to share a core part of their growing up, and how that shaped their values (celebrating diversity, encouraging change, personal engagement)

Essay Questions For Each Major - UW College of Engineering

You can also check out this list of from the University of Washington admissions page for ideas of what to discuss in this UW application essay.