The several examples below are helpful when writing your essay hook.
Different types of essays lend themselves to different types of hooks. For example, a personal narrative essay might start with an anecdote, while a persuasive essay might begin with a striking fact or statistic.
Some pieces of writing seem to write themselves, and that’s often because the opening sentence is on point. When you’re crafting a hook that’s both captivating and relevant, you’re essentially forging a connection with your readers and inviting them on a journey that will leave them better off for having taken the ride.
An analytical essay could open with a thought-provoking question, and a descriptive essay might use vivid imagery to set the scene. Consider your essay type when choosing a hook that will effectively grab your reader’s attention.
How do I write a hook for an essay?
A descriptive essay works to help the reader visualize something through descriptive writing. Depending on the scene you are trying to set, or the tone of your essay, almost any hook can work.
aim to persuade readers, so their hooks should be attention-grabbing and thought-provoking. A strong statement, surprising fact, or rhetorical question could effectively introduce the essay’s stance.
A critical or is an informative look at your topic. This essay relies on facts and analytics, so a statistical hook is a perfect opening.
A narrative essay tells a true story in the first person. Because you are telling a story, an anecdote works well as your essay hook.
How do I write a hook for an argumentative essay?
If you’re writing about a topic that you feel strongly about, you may start with a declarative statement. Perhaps this statement is widely agreed upon, or maybe it’s more of a “hot take” (a controversial opinion that your reader could disagree with). Either way, you should support this statement as the essay unfolds. This hook is strongest when short and concise.
How do I start a hook for an essay?
Like argumentative essays, persuasive essays aim to convince readers, so their hooks should be memorable and thought-provoking. A shocking statistic, powerful quote, or relatable story could effectively introduce the essay’s main argument.
How do I come up with a hook for an essay?
Many hooks also work well for persuasive essays, which work to build up the reasons the reader should take your position on the topic presented.
until I failed to come up with a good hook to begin this essay ...
If you’re considering opening with an anecdote, first think about what incredible personal stories you have tucked away that might provide a compelling start to your essay.
What will you be stating in your essay about the original piece?
Expository essays aim to inform and explain, so their hooks should spark curiosity. A surprising fact, interesting question, or relevant anecdote could draw readers in.
Any other suggestions for a hook, or in general for the essay?
Statistical Hook: "Did you know that over 90% of Americans own a smartphone? With technology becoming an integral part of our daily lives, it's crucial to examine its impact on human interaction."
But, what are the best ways to teach writing hooks?
That’s an example of a fact or statistic hook. These hooks use a surprising or interesting fact to grab the reader’s attention and establish credibility.