The acceptance rate at Mason is 90%. Its admission rate is the .

A relatively young university, George Mason University was established in 1957 as a branch of the University of Virginia, before becoming an independent school in 1972. Today, the Fairfax County, Virginia-based institution has gained recognition as a top research university.

George Mason University is Virginia‘s largest public research university. As a Tier-1 research institution, every day, our faculty, staff, and students work to address unanswered questions, unresolved challenges, and problems that impact a wide variety of populations. In the Honors College, you‘ll have opportunities to do this sort of work -- and maybe even answer questions and solve problems that matter to you. Tell us about one question, challenge, or problem that you‘d like to work to better understand or address during your time at Mason. Introduce this issue, and then explain why it matters to you and why it might matter to others. Feel free to be creative- research and inquiry can exist in unlikely places.

George Mason University is Virginia‘s largest public research university. As a Tier-1 research institution, every day, our faculty, staff, and students work to address unanswered questions, unresolved challenges, and problems that impact a wide variety of populations. In the Honors College, you‘ll have opportunities to do this sort of work -- and maybe even answer questions and solve problems that matter to you. Tell us about one question, challenge, or problem that you‘d like to work to better understand or address during your time at Mason. Introduce this issue, and then explain why it matters to you and why it might matter to others. Feel free to be creative- research and inquiry can exist in unlikely places.

Can I defer my acceptance to George Mason University?

Option 1: George Mason University is Virginia’s largest public research university. As a Tier-1 research institution, every day, our faculty, staff, and students work to address unanswered questions, unresolved challenges, and problems that impact a wide variety of populations. In the Honors College, you’ll have opportunities to do this sort of work — and maybe even answer questions and solve problems that matter to you. Tell us about one question, challenge, or problem that you’d like to work to better understand or address during your time at Mason. Introduce this issue, and then explain why it matters to you and why it might matter to others. Feel free to be creative- research and inquiry can exist in unlikely places.

College essays play an important role in the admissions process, just as they do at . While there is only one George Mason essay (in addition to the Common App personal statement), students should take their time writing a stellar response. Naturally, students with strong responses to the George Mason University essay prompts have a better chance of standing out among a large pool of candidates.

is the largest public university in . The campus is diverse and students from every state and 130 countries make up the student body. While the acceptance rate is relatively high, applicants will still want to put their best work forward when applying. And, since there aren’t multiple George Mason University essay prompts to respond to, applicants have one chance to make it count.

Without various George Mason University essay prompts to respond to, students will need to carefully choose how to write the George Mason supplemental essay. To write any successful college essay, you need to do some research on the school and its unique qualities.

What is George Mason University's acceptance rate?

While your other are important, none allow you to communicate who you are in your own words. The George Mason essay allows you to share your unique personality, writing style, and motivations for attending GMU.

✅ George Mason University has an acceptance rate of 90%.

Now, you may be thinking that without multiple George Mason University essay prompts to respond to, the GMU application will be simple. On the contrary, you’ll still want to give yourself a head start on the George Mason essay. If there were various George Mason University essay prompts, you’d have more opportunities to make your case for admissions. However, with only one short essay, it’s got to really count!

What is the early action acceptance rate at George Mason University?

There is only one “optional” George Mason essay. However, the state that the optional George Mason essay is required for applicants who apply as score-optional. (GMU is , so students are not required to submit their standardized test scores). Either way, we encourage students to write the George Mason essay, whether they are submitting standardized test scores or not.

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Additionally, the Common App could be considered to have two George Mason essay prompts: the Common App personal statement and the GMU college-specific essay. While GMU does not require students to submit their Common App personal statement, you can still choose to do so. However, if you choose to on the Mason Exclusive Online Application, you won’t have multiple George Mason University essay prompts: there will be only one.

90% is the acceptance rate of George Mason University.

Now, you’re probably wondering: what are the George Mason University essay prompts? Well, the George Mason essay is considered a why this school essay. You’ve likely seen various versions of this prompt when applying to other institutions.