How to Write an Argumentative Essay - With Steps & Examples

Historical theme might be of special interest to those students who are studying History. It is good to know where we come from or what aspects of our development and prosperity were. We’ve collected a fine set of history argumentative essay topics for students to choose from:

Controversial topics are often the result of such issues as conflicting ethical principles (e.g., euthanasia), going against traditional values (e.g., LGBT rights, gender roles), addressing societal taboos, focusing on delicate or painful issues/collective memories, or the existence of polarized groups in society having different beliefs/stances (e.g., religious groups, atheists, gun ownership supporters). Here are some possible good argumentative essay topics for hardworking students who want to achieve the best grades:

An argumentative essay is one that presents both sides of an issue, then argues in favor of one. An argumentative essay is similar to a persuasive essay, in that the aim is to convince the reader of a particular point of view, but it also must take a neutral stance in order to present the issue as a whole before arguing in favor of one side. Some argumentative essay topics could include "Recycling: Good or Bad?" and "Video Games: Positive or Harmful?"

Argumentative Essay Topics for High School Students

Argumentative essay writing is a crucial skill for every student. As a college student, you need to find a “controversial” or “gray area” topic to argue against or for. Your argumentative essay should include deeply researched facts that will support your claims.

Argumentative essays are very popular projects in universities, especially in classes such as English composition, history, and political science, etc. Professors like to assign them because they want to see how well you can reason and support an argument. This article will not only show you how to choose argumentative essay topics, but it will also teach you how to write the project, as well!

Ideas on technology require rich lexis and attentiveness towards nuances. Technical language is very specific, and even sometimes hard to understand. Be ready to study every unknown word before writing. We suggest the next technology argumentative essay topics to choose from:

It is great to study American history by writing such informative essays. Even more, world history becomes more interesting if studying it with catchy research topics. Student could be proud by making their own suggestions on the course of past events. After all, past events are roots of our future. We have to remember key historical facts in detail.

Argumentative Essay Topics for College Assignments

A persuasive essay aims to present evidence that sways the reader to one side of an issue. Persuasive essays rely on facts and reputable evidence to support your opinion and convince your reader that they should agree with you on a particular topic. Some persuasive essay topics include "Why Pollution is Bad for the Environment," "The Benefits of Extracurricular Activities" and "How Owning a Pet Teaches Responsibility."

with these argumentative topics i’ll write a great essay

Now that you know how to choose a good argumentative essay topic, here's a list of 150 ideas from our . These topics cover a wide range of fields, including social issues, technology, education, and more. Each topic is designed to encourage critical thinking and provide ample room for debate.

Do you have some serious topics for an argumentative essay?

This is probably one of the most intense fields to discuss. People all over the world tend to provide healthy way of living. We recommend paying special attention to argumentative essay topics about active life style which are listed below.

We want to emphasize that real exercises provide with strong effect. Sports play important role in our life. Without active way of living humankind will turn into lazy, fat, and slowly thinking society. Be sharp-minded to develop this topic! Our suggestions will help you to succeed.

Thank you a lot! This argumentative essay topics are amazing!

College programs demand a serious attitude towards knowledge basis. Chosen topics must include actual problem solutions and refer to debatable themes. Lexis proves serious ambitions. We suggest to consider the next argumentative college essay topics:

Here are some argumentative essay topics for 6th-grade students:

Sports theme is very popular. Active way of life becomes an integral part of our daily routine. We suggest thinking over the next sports argumentative essay topics listed below: