A few examples of topics for expository essays:

Argumentative put your abilities to investigate and convey your own point of view on a subject to the test. At the undergraduate level, this is the most prevalent style of essay—almost every paper you write will include some form of argumentation.

A critical essay is not necessarily an evaluative piece of writing, but rather a thoughtful and analytical approach to interpreting a work of art.

Personal essays can overlap with other types of essays, like argumentative, humorous, and college application essays. Personal essay example:

The main types of essays include:

An argumentative essay is a piece of writing that offers a lengthy, evidence-based case. It necessitates a solid thesis statement—a well-defined viewpoint on your subject. Your goal is to persuade the reader of your argument by providing evidence like quotes and analysis.

Essays are the most common papers students have to write. Almost every professor (except, perhaps, for STEM classes) assigned at least a couple of essays over the course of a semester.

What complicates students’ job, though, is that there are different essay types, each with its own purpose, structure, and requirements. Here are some of the most common ones.

Expository essays are the simplest, and they are often assigned to first-year students who are only learning how to write compelling texts. If you’re a struggling student wondering, “” for the first time, chances are, an expository essay is what you’re assigned.

Key features of expository essays include:

An expository essay is a piece of writing that provides a balanced overview of a subject. In an expository essay, the writer uses facts, data, and examples to illustrate or clarify a topic.

Key features of expository essays include:

Expository writing includes a variety of essay types, including comparison and contrast essays, cause and effect essays, and “how to” or process . Expository essays do not show emotions or write in the first person since they are based on facts rather than personal feelings.

The five main types of essays are:

In contrast, a narrative essay tells a story. It’s a hybrid type of essay that falls somewhere in-between academic writing and fiction. While other essays are typically dry and emotionless, a narrative one can and should be moving, funny, and, most importantly, personal. The author’s personality should shine through words.

There are generally two types of process essays:

Now, argumentative essays are one of the more difficult essay types to write. The author of an argumentative essay is supposed to argue in support of a certain idea or point of view. Its purpose is to persuade the reader that the author is right, which isn’t always easy.

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Expository essays.

At the same time, an argumentative essay should still sound academic and credible. So when writing one, you have to acknowledge your opponents’ positions and explain why they are wrong. This is what a lot of students struggle with. It’s challenging to find the right balance between persuasion and staying at least somewhat objective.

A Detailed List of Transition Words for Essays (2025 Updated)

Descriptive essays are less common in college writing classes. But some professors do assign them to let students practice their non-academic writing skills. A descriptive essay is all about sensory details. The reader should be able to imagine how what you’re describing looks, smells, and sounds like.

Boost Your Writing With An Extensive List of Essay Examples

Most descriptive essays are about objects or places and the meanings they bear. For example, you can be assigned to talk about one of the artifacts discussed in your history class. Or your assignment can be about describing the most valuable material item you own (this is more common in writing and composition classes).