How to write a synthesis essay?

You may want to write a synthesis essay on a topic of your interest. It’s an excellent approach as long as you can do enough research on your subject. If you fail to find relevant studies, you will have to switch to a different, well-researched idea.

Choosing some generic topics like discrimination will force you to scatter your attention around the subject’s different aspects. Will you write about racial or age discrimination? In the United States or Mongolia? The topic of inequality is too generic to cover all its aspects in a single essay. Consequently, you need to pick narrower subjects like pregnancy discrimination in the workspace, for example.

You may struggle to come up with the topic for your essay, and that’s normal. To saturate your mind with compelling ideas, you need to do some brainstorming and look up for synthesis essay topics on the Internet or in books. You may find hundreds of essay topics and choose the one you like the most.

How do you write an introduction for a synthesis essay?

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Finding the right topic is a critical stage in synthesis writing. A good synthesis paper topic is specific and requires you to combine ideas and information from various sources to create a coherent argument. You will have to connect pieces of information from books, academic journals, and other reputable materials to present a logical and comprehensive view of the assigned subject.

Now that you have developed an outline it's time to write the essay. Begin your synthesis essay introduction with a to engage readers. Provide background information on the topic and present a strong , summarizing your main argument or stance.

Since every source will have a specific context related to a single idea, you must consider the similarities and help your reader take a stand as you write a synthesis essay.

An example of a stronger synthesis can be found below.

Choosing a topic for a synthesis essay might be challenging since a significant part of your writing success depends on the selected or given subject. It’s much better to choose a theme for your essay by yourself since this gives you much more space for creativity. Now let’s check some tips for picking the best subject for your synthesis essay:

For example, your synthesis essay thesis statement is

Just like any other essay, the synthesis paper has a specific format that includes an intro, body, and conclusion. You have to introduce the thesis statement in the intro itself. According to the outline, you can write the essay in proper order. While writing, make sure that you use active voice. No matter which type of essay it is, you must write 80% of the essay in active voice and the rest 20% in passive. An active voice is easy to interpret and looks professional.

Synthesis Essay AP Lang Example

The main purpose of the synthesis essay is to show how you can use multiple sources and create connections between them and demonstrate your writing skills. Your top priority is not offering a unique point of view that will amaze your readers. Of course, a bit of novelty won’t hurt. Still, your primary task is to be eloquent and logical, not creative.

Synthesis Essay Outline Example

Are you writing a synthesis essay? This is a paper that combines information from a variety of sources to form a new idea. Essentially, you’re synthesizing existing concepts and arguments to create something original.

Synthesis Essay Thesis Examples

As a student, you’ll probably have to write a synthesis essay at some point. Read on for our step-by-step guide on how to write one effectively.

Argumentative Synthesis Essay Example

After that, you will provide supportive evidence and evaluate counterarguments, just like you will do while writing a regular argumentative essay. However, the number of sources is the crucial point that differentiates a synthesis essay from an argumentative one. In a synthesis essay, you need to derive a particular thesis-supporting argument from at least three sources.