Therefore, abortion is murder and should be illegal.
Imagine if all women had a choice, maybe there would no longer be children. Abortion is a woman's right and not a bad one at that. Women are commonly told they are not allowed to choose what they do with their body. Although it should be a woman’s choice it still isn’t, People may think it is killing another person, There are other options for those who do really disapprove of abortion. Other choices may not be the right one, but they should still be noticed.
Why Abortion Should Be Illegal Abortion has been a popular debate in the United States, especially after the Supreme Court ruling in 1973 stating a woman has the right to an abortion. In my opinion, abortion is wrong and very unethical. There are some specific instances where abortion may be acceptable, but for the most part, abortion is an evil act. Abortion should be illegal because it is the killing of an innocent human, even if he or she has not been born yet.
This is a considerable provision when scrutinized critically. It is vital to understand the provisions of abortion before rendering it illegal. Notably, institutions and human rights lobby groups are always fighting against birth control and abortions. However, it is vital to ask whether the “morning after pill” is included in this controversy?
Proving that abortion is killing a human life and should be illegal.
However, it is obvious that once a young girl (who is still studying) is pregnant; her educational ambitions might be doomed. In fact, some end up dropping out of school. Hence, illegalizing abortion is a hindrance to “girl child” education. People must accept that mature ladies can conceive and become pregnant at any time provided they play an unprotected sex.
Is it because the concerned ladies do not know that they are pregnant yet, or is this the reckless and careless behavior of a female? No one talks about this point; however, it is believable that if you can recklessly have sex and then take a “morning after pill” the following day, why not make that the illegal form of “birth control” (Weitz, 2010).. Abortion should be legalized in order to formalize the entire process.
If we force women to carry the child, it would cause physical and possibly emotional pain. We should allow women to choose what they can do with their bodies. When women can choose when to have their children, their children grow up in a more optimal environment meaning less crime rates and possibly less child abuse rates. Abortion does not only benefit the women, letting her have another option besides caring the child. It benefits the child from possible child abuse as well as society from less criminals and having to spend less money on future welfare
As with any other argumentative paper, your “Why should abortion be made legal” essay needs a paragraph with counterarguments. It’s an opposing viewpoint on the issue. Provide it and suggest some extra arguments on why you disagree with it.
. (2022) 'Reasons Why Abortion Should Be Illegal'. 30 December.
Another argument why abortion should be legalized regards the health conditions of some women. One might conceive; however, her health status might not allow her to carry the baby to term. Either, she can die or undergo an acute miscarriage. This might interfere with her life despite the need to carry the pregnancy for the expected 9 months. Just think of the deaths that would occur if abortions were illegalized.
Abortions Should Be Illegal , essay by Ornella B.
Abortion has been a controversial issue in our society. The options are which path to take in life. The two paths we have to take or to choose from are give the child a chance to live or to be a teenage parent or having an abortion. In the young age of a pregnant women will be the hardest part of her life and when she doesn’t think that she can deal with the fact that she will having a child in young age the only way that she will take would be to get an abortion. The fetus will be decide to abort by their mother resulting in or caused by its death.
Abortion should be illegal - GCSE Religious Studies (Philosophy ....
Additionally, it is improper to use contraceptives due to health complications they might create. Precisely, people should be allowed to abort if conditions demand so. The fact that abortion still occurs even when it has been illegalized should be a global concern. Governments should allow citizens to make their own choices regarding the matter.
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Another validation for abortion is that it gives parents the right not give birth to children with health defects such as Down syndrome and cystic fibrosis. Anyway, why should parents have a child with these conditions? No parent or child should be forced to go through that. This is a considerable provision in the context of pregnancy and birth control. Motherhood should never be a punishment.
⇉Why Abortion Should be Illegal Essay Example | GraduateWay.
On the other hand, pro-choice supporters tend to focus on worst-case scenarios like pregnancies resulting from rape, child abuse, or threatening the mother’s life. However, they usually prefer not to talk about the dark side of unrestricted abortion rights, such as sex-selective abortions resulting from that has led to a generation of “missing women” in China, India, Pakistan, and other countries.