An ellipsis can basically be used in two ways:
well i suppose it[ … ] really means what the reader thinks, howeve ri do enjoy your ponderings. I am not a professional writer but enjoy writing and reading for a better understanding. I have always wanted to use square brackets how cool is that
Great, concise tips.
“This is perfectly acceptable, as long as your protagonist isn’t losing their train of thought every other paragraph.” Agreed. Everything in moderation.
I now write my first drafts and then go through and remove all the ellipses I used unless they are absolutely necessary. Then I go through again and delete those.
I'm speculating here, but it seems as if the ellipses are being used as a way to draw you into the next frame—as if they are saying, “Keep going; there's more to come.” For example, Charles Schulz always used ellipses instead of periods at the end of sentences in Peanuts.
In the ellipsis example above, the part removed came
I love it, too! I definitely overuse the ellipsis AND the dash. But Peter’s tip about how to make it on the keyboard was a total lifesaver! I love learning from others! 🙂
To quote the book Grammar for Dummies, “Using ellipses in this way can get annoying really fast.” The author of one of my favorite books, Punctuate it Right, feels this way about writers who use ellipses to imply that they have more to say: “It is doubtful that they have anything in mind, and the device seems a rather cheap one.” So, use ellipses to show hesitation or a trailing off of thoughts if you must, but use them sparingly, and know that although it's grammatically correct, it's considered by some to be annoying and cheap.
• If you are omitting words at the very beginning or end of a quotation, you generally do not need an ellipsis. However, if the word you are beginning the quote with begins with a capital letter even though it is in the middle of the sentence, you will need an ellipsis to show that you are starting the quote in the middle of the sentence.
The ellipsis is typically standing in for a word or a sentence, so just imagine that it's a word itself, and then it's easy to remember to put a space on each side.
You can use it for omission or hesitation, but is it too annoying?
This is how you would sometimes do operator successions in mathematics with a standard ellipsis (one would, of course, replace the hyphens with minus signs (which is not the same as hyphen)).
Q3: Can ellipses be used at the beginning of a quote?
When using other punctuations with ellipses, such as commas, colons, and semicolons, their placement depends on where the omitted text is replaced by an ellipsis. If the ellipsis comes before the punctuation, the punctuation follows it with no breaking spaces (e.g., “ . . . ;”). If the ellipsis follows the punctuation, the punctuation precedes it (e.g., “ , . . .”). Note the spacing in each example. It is important to recognize the different protocols among different style guides. Be sure to follow the appropriate format designated in the style guide for your discipline during .
Most importantly, how do we use the ellipsis correctly? Keep reading.
I don’t know if it means anything to you, but I flckied through my English textbook to see what it said about trailing off dialogue, and there were several examples throughout it in which there was no punctuation used after the ellipsis just the speech mark. I’m also reading a book by Joseph Conrad at the moment and he does not put a full stop at the end of an ellipsis. I don’t use it very often, but when I do, I stick with three dots because anything else, to me, doesn’t look right.
Use it to keep the text and ellipsis dots together.
This is how you would usually do non-operator successions in mathematics with a standard ellipsis, (but in maths, one would also replace the hyphens with commas and add a comma after the 3 and before the 100.)
How to use ellipses in your writing - Writer
So, it is allowable to use ellipses to indicate pauses or breaks in the writer's train of thought as you see so frequently done in e-mail, especially where a break is meant to feel uncertain.
What are the uses of ellipses in essays? | Wyzant Ask An Expert
If you're omitting something that comes after a complete sentence, meaning that your ellipsis has to follow a period, put the period at the end of the sentence just like you normally would, then type a space, and then type or insert your ellipsis.