To compare and contrast two articles, you need to:

While there are many technical aspects for students to master on the road to producing well-written compare and contrast essays, the above provides a clear signpost to set them off in the right direction.

Please understand these student writing samples are not intended to be perfect examples for each age or grade level but a piece of writing for students and teachers to explore together to critically analyze to improve student writing skills and deepen their understanding of compare and contrast writing.

Once you know the two things that you have to compare, you can begin your search. Compare and contrast ideas are not as hard as you think. Once you research well, you will come across good compare and contrast topics, and you will see it really isn’t as hard to write a paper on them.

To compare and contrast two pictures, you need to:

Below are a collection of student writing samples of compare and contrast essay. Click on the image to enlarge and explore them in greater detail. Please take a moment to read both the compare and contrast essays in detail and the teacher and student guides highlighting some key elements to consider before writing.

Compare and contrasting topics can seem to be very challenging for college students. They might feel that they lack the substance to write about it and that there is a lot of research required for this. It can seem very intimidating to most.

This is one of the most common errors made by students in these types of essays. To help students gain practice in this area, write a few example sentences on the whiteboard using the model sentence above to help. Then, have students identify the four different criteria and write two separate contrast sentences that avoid the error illustrated.

A compare and contrast essay is an analysis of two subjects. The focal point of difference between the two topics is discussed, and the similarities between the two are also seen in a meaningful way. The idea behind such as essay is not to state the obvious but rather to explore all the similarities and differences in-depth. Let’s see an example here.

Compare And Contrast Essay Topics

A compare and contrast essay fits this scenario perfectly, as it helps you weigh these choices by examining their similarities and differences.

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay: Easy Steps with Examples

After listing the characteristics, the next step is organizing the essay’s structure. A Compare and Contrast essay can be organized by differences, similarities, or both. (Grouping them together with bullet points can help make things easier.)

Compare and Contrast Essay Outline - Steps & Examples

While looking through your list, do you find more similarities or more differences between the two subjects? Whichever you find more of will be the focus of your essay. (If your assignment requires you to compare and contrast, then you will be doing both.)

Interesting Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

At the end of this, they will have the three body paragraphs of their compare and contrast essay. From there, they can then reverse engineer their introduction and then complete their conclusions.

Here is the list of possible topics for compare and contrast essay:

Compare and contrast essays can be fun for a lot of reasons, mainly because you get to demonstrate how much you know about a particular topic. Remember that it is as you work through your essay. The creation of an outline or a mind map is strongly encouraged, even in a timed exam. Provide evidence where you need it and make sure that you do not overwhelm the reader with too many ideas. Finish with a conclusion that wraps up your argument in a nice package, demonstrating to the reader that you not only have confidence in your arguments but that you can present clear and rational points to support them.

To start a compare and contrast essay, consider these steps:

Finally, you must also of a compare and contrast essay looks like. You have likely ended your body paragraph sections with a contrast of some sort and so are leaving the reader with the thought in their head that these two things you are comparing are not very similar. It is important in the conclusion to remind the reader that actually, you have demonstrated similarities as well as differences between the pieces of literature. While not introducing any new information, the point of your conclusion is to remind the reader of the key facts and of your strongest argument. You will have created a thesis statement at the beginning of your paper, so here in the conclusion you are demonstrating that the thesis you initially proposed has been met.