5 Ways to Quote and Cite a Play in an Essay Using MLA Format

To cite a play quote in an essay, include the playwright's last name and the page number in parentheses after the quote. For example: (Shakespeare 2.2.75-77). If the author's name is mentioned in the sentence, only include the page number in parentheses. This ensures proper attribution and helps readers locate the original source in the works cited or references section of your essay.

For instructions on how to cite a live performance, visit this guide on .If you are citing a play found as an entire source, cite it as a book (and use our ).STRUCTURES:In-text:(Playwright last name page#)Works Cited:Playwright last name, First name.

Citing plays accurately in academic writing is essential to give proper credit to playwrights and avoid plagiarism. Different citation styles—APA, MLA, and Chicago—have unique rules for formatting play references, reflecting their respective academic disciplines. For instance, MLA emphasizes the use of act, scene, and line numbers, while APA focuses on the year of publication and authorship. Correctly formatted citations help readers locate the source, demonstrate scholarly integrity, and uphold the credibility of your research. Proper citation is not just about rules; it shows respect for the intellectual property of others and enhances the quality of your work.

How to Cite a Play in MLA Style | Format & Examples - Scribbr

Note: If the interview from which you quote does not feature a title, add the descriptor, Interview by (unformatted) after the interviewee’s name and before the interviewer’s name.

APA style generally requires the author's name, publication year, and page number for in-text citations. However, if the play doesn't have page numbers, you can include other relevant information such as act and scene numbers.

Note: If the interview from which you quote does not feature a title, add the descriptor Interview by (unformatted) after the interviewee’s name and before the interviewer’s name.

Following MLA citations for Shakespeare examples, such as those below, helps to ensure you cite his work correctly. Writing papers about Shakespeare’s life or his plays is easy to do with plenty of open source resources available for your research. If you’re citing his works, then use the title of the play as the first element. If you’re writing about William Shakespeare, in general, then use his name as the first element.

How To Cite A Play In MLA ~ Formatting & Examples - BachelorPrint

We'll show you how to cite online articles accessed through the library (0:23) or the internet (2:13) or in print (3:11) and what to do if there's no author (3:40).">

How do you cite a play in MLA format? - Quora

When quoting dialogue from a play in MLA style, you need to include the author’s name, act, scene, and line numbers. Dialogue should be presented with character names in all caps, and each line should be indented. Here’s how to format your citations:

See how to quote a prose play in MLA style in an essay.

If you quote two or more paragraphs, indent the first line of each paragraph an additional ¼ inch. However, if the first sentence quoted does not begin a paragraph in the source, do not indent it the additional amount, only indent the subsequent paragraphs. Here is an example where the first sentence is the beginning of a paragraph:

5 Ways to Quote and Cite a Play in an Essay Using MLA Format

Citing Shakespeare in can be tricky, as you may not be sure how to cite the act, verse, and line numbers, rather than page numbers. To follow MLA style, you will need to properly format any quotes from Shakespeare in the text and use in-text citations accordingly. You should also cite Shakespeare in the bibliography at the end of your paper. Whether you are citing Shakespeare in MLA for a paper for class or an essay for a reading assignment, you can get the citations right with just a few steps.

How to Cite a Play in MLA, APA, and Chicago Format

Whenever you include a quote, paraphrase, or summary from an outside source in your text, you will need to give that source credit. Failing to do so is plagiarism, and is a serious offense at BYU-Hawaii, as at many other institutions. There are two ways to cite a source within the text. One way is to use an introductory phrase, such as: "According to Dr. Hook," or "John Locke states." The other is to conclude the quote or paraphrase with a parenthetical citation, which generally includes the author's last name followed by a page number, such as: (Hook 5) or (Locke 6). For summaries that span more than one sentence, it is conventional to use both methods, marking the beginning of the summary with an introductory phrase and concluding it with a parenthetical citation.

How to Cite a Play in APA, MLA or Chicago | EasyBib

If you do decide to use the quote from the source you are using, however, you must recognize both sources. For example, in the Critical Insights series, we have a popular book of critical analysis called Things for Apart.