Here is an example of a conclusion for an argumentative essay:
It should look like, “If we don’t do it now, we won’t be able to act in the future.” If your sentence cuts the flow of the whole text, it will not appeal to your reader. If you are having trouble crafting the perfect conclusion for your argumentative essay, you can always help from a professional writer to get the job done right.
Now you understand how to write a conclusion for an argumentative essay, but remember to catch up on the whole paper flow and finish it in the same tone. Use the call to action sentence and exit your essay smoothly while giving the readers ideas and making them think about the case. If you can’t, please check our , which can easily tackle the task. Note that by getting it done by a professional, you can learn from examples. Besides, the text can get done in a few hours.
There are many possible approaches to argumentative essays, but there are two common models that can help you start your arguments: The Toulmin model and the Rogerian model.
Here is an example of a conclusion for an expository essay:
For example, while the conclusion to a STEM paper could focus on questions for further study, the conclusion of a literature paper could include a quotation from your central text that can now be understood differently in light of what has been discussed in the paper.
Like other academic essays, an argumentative essay begins with an . The introduction serves to capture the reader’s interest, provide background information, present your , and (in longer essays) to summarize the structure of the body.
You’ve spent hours researching and writing a compelling – now it’s finally time to write the conclusion. The conclusion may be the most significant part of your essay because it’s your final opportunity to make a lasting impression on your reader. Intimidated? Don’t be! In this post, we’ll show you how to write a strong conclusion for an argumentative essay.
Writing an argumentative essay requires you to defend a position for which there is more than one side. To write an argumentative essay, use facts, statistics, details and expert testimony to support your position. While a conclusion for an argumentative essay does include some basic elements found in other types of papers, argumentative essay conclusions are significant, because they provide the last chance you have to sway the reader.
Here is an example of a conclusion for an analytical essay:
Argumentative essay assignments generally call for extensive research of literature or previously published material. Argumentative assignments may also require empirical research where the student collects data through interviews, surveys, observations, or experiments. Detailed research allows the student to learn about the topic and to understand different points of view regarding the topic so that she/he may choose a position and support it with the evidence collected during research. Regardless of the amount or type of research involved, argumentative essays must establish a clear thesis and follow sound reasoning.
The five parts of an argumentative essay are:
Begin by reiterating your to emphasize your main point. However, to avoid sounding repetitive, it’s best to paraphrase the thesis and not use the exact wording from the introductory paragraph. You can also briefly recap the key points you’ve made throughout your essay. You don’t need to dive into too much detail here; the conclusion should be a concise reminder of your most and avoid unnecessary repetition or commentary. Keep in mind that the conclusion is not the place to provide information or arguments you haven’t included in the body of your essay.
Looking for a good essay conclusion example? We compose some for you:
The conclusion of your essay is a good place to highlight the importance of your argument and the implications of your findings. Briefly explain why is significant and how your perspective relates to the wider context. For example, if you’re writing on the rising cost of medicine, you can discuss how this topic relates to the broader fields of health care and pharmaceutical sales.
TheConclusion Of AnArgumentativeEssay?
However, argumentative essays should also consider and explain differing points of view regarding the topic. Depending on the length of the assignment, students should dedicate one or two paragraphs of an argumentative essay to discussing conflicting opinions on the topic. Rather than explaining how these differing opinions are wrong outright, students should note how opinions that do not align with their thesis might not be well informed or how they might be out of date.
write aconclusion in anargumentative essay?
The argumentative essay requires well-researched, accurate, detailed, and current information to support the thesis statement and consider other points of view. Some factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal evidence should support the thesis. However, students must consider multiple points of view when collecting evidence. As noted in the paragraph above, a successful and well-rounded argumentative essay will also discuss opinions not aligning with the thesis. It is unethical to exclude evidence that may not support the thesis. It is not the student’s job to point out how other positions are wrong outright, but rather to explain how other positions may not be well informed or up to date on the topic.