So, here are the 10 lines of essays on discipline for class 2 kids.

Exploring discipline through essay writing allows for a deeper understanding of its significance in personal and academic growth. It encourages critical reflection and analysis, leading to valuable insights and perspectives. By delving into this topic, individuals can gain a greater appreciation for the role of discipline in shaping their lives and the world around them.

Achieving self-discipline may be difficult but in order to lead a healthy personal and professional life, it is very important. A self-disciplined person makes optimum use of the time. Hence, he can achieve more and do more work as compared to a person who is not self-disciplined. We should, therefore, make some efforts to achieve it.

Discipline is the process of training oneself in obedience, self control, skill, etc. The controlled, ordered behavior results from such training. Discipline is the basis of the whole universe.
The solar system is governed by certain laws to maintain perfect harmony and beauty. Without this order, there would be utter chaos. Discipline is a basic requirement of a civilized society. Citizens of a disciplined nation work with a spirit of cooperation and unity. Aristotle has rightly said, "Discipline is obedience to rules formed by the society for the good of all.
Discipline should be inculcated from a very young age. Talent and genius alone are not enough to achieve success. Discipline has an equally important role to play. Talents blossom

To aid the, we have included a short paragraph on discipline:

Eve-teasing is another example of irresponsible behavior on the part of our youth. The rising crime graph in the country is due to the lack of discipline.
Members of political parties should follow a certain code of ethics. They should always act in a disciplined manner. In the past, leaders fought for freedom and now our leaders have the freedom to fight among themselves. The direct telecast of Parliamentary Session in doordarshan gives us the picture of the unruly behavior of our respected Parliamentarians inside the Parliament. The common man has started losing faith in political parties and the system. Steps should be taken to improve its image.
Without discipline there can be no scientific advances, no industrial or technological achievement, no settled system of law, no exploration and no development. Discipline is essential for personal growth and national prosperity. Absence of it can lead to failure, defeat and backwardness. Respect of parents, teachers and elders should be given importance. Honesty and integrity and doing a duty with devotion and dedication should be stressed. There should be a spirit of harmony, co-operation and mutual respect co-existent among fellow human beings. All should follow the rules and regulations laid by law. Discipline means full realization of the sense of responsibility. This will bring progress and prosperity in the society and the nation. A proper and reasonable balance has to be stuck between

Essays on discipline are crucial for students to understand the significance of following rules and regulations in various aspects of life. They also help in developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

Even when a good spade work had been done on the children with regard to discipline before the children start schooling this good spade work can be spoilt as a result of contact with other children who have not had the advantage from home. It is the duty of the school to ensure that those with pre-school good discipline are still better moulded while those still lacking in many essentials of good discipline are made to be good.
But at home where the children spend most of their time with the parents and relatives, friends and acquaintances, the good work the school is doing can either be helped or hindered. If the children are shown and made to follow the good ideas taught in the school it is necessary that what they and made to act at home be similar to the good ideas taught in the school. If what they do at home are at variance with what goes on in school the children become people of ‘two worlds’ and confusion and frustration result from these conflicting ideas. It is for this reason that the home and the school should mutually seek advice and inquire on what is not properly understood or clear as to the proper upbringing of these children. The children should be made to understand that the home is in the school and vice versa. Neither of the two should be made a refuge from the rigours of the training of the other. When this happens well behaved, responsible and good citizens are bred.
Written by Adewumi

Discipline is important in most aspects of line, discipline is the practice of training people to obey rules and regulations, whilst using appropriate punishment to correct mistakes and disobedience. We use discipline to keep social and working order so that there are no complications. Discipline teaches people correct ways to act so that goals are reached and encourage people to accept responsibility in life. Discipline is not to get mixed up with punishment. Punishment is the consequence of not following rules and regulations.

This discipline essay aims to elaborate on this central theme.

In the realm of personal development, the art of self-governance emerges as a masterstroke, where discipline assumes the role of the guiding brushstroke, intricately weaving the tapestry of success. This essay delves into the profound connection between self-governance and discipline, illustrating how the harmonious interplay of these elements paves the way for achievement and fulfillment. Self-governance is akin to steering the ship of one's life with intentionality and control. It is the conscious act of taking the reins, navigating through […]

Essay helps you to harness and discipline your thinking ability.

In the intricate tapestry of personal development, one thread stands out prominently — the thread of discipline. The journey of forging character is not a passive one; it requires the deliberate and consistent application of discipline. This essay delves into the crucial role that discipline plays in the realm of personal growth, illuminating its significance as the cornerstone of character development. At its core, discipline is the bridge between aspirations and accomplishments. It is the internal compass that guides individuals […]

Write an essay on The value of discipline in about 150 words.

Discipline is very important for anyone who is part of the Uniformed Public Services. Discipline is put in place to maintain order and to make sure that everyone works to the best of their abilities. All the services are organised in a similar way with a clear rank structure and clearly defined roles and responsibilities, which all rely on discipline to work effectively.

The importance of self-discipline is multifaceted.

Children are like flowers, if well taken care of they will bloom. If ignored or tortured, they will wither and die. Child discipline is one of the most important elements of successful parenting. Today, many people have this notion that physical abuse is in no way a solution to helping children discern between right and wrong. Since generations children have been taught the art of discipline through physical punishment. Often this approach to disciplining has resulted in two outcomes, one is where the child becomes more tolerant and is willing to adhere to what he/she has been told, or the other which more often results in children developing a sense of anguish and desire to revolt.