Here are 3 tips for writing a memorable Georgetown essay:

Consider the important aspects of you as a person that you haven’t yet had the opportunity to highlight within your application. What would you like to mention and how will it make you an even more competitive candidate? Consider your personal experiences, background, culture, identity, skills, and talents. What has had a large impact on shaping you as a person? How will you bring what you’ve learned from those experiences to the “diverse community” at Georgetown? Make sure you speak to something that has been meaningful and impactful for you. A successful Georgetown essay will exude passion—and that can’t be faked!

These Georgetown supplemental essays are an opportunity to explain what has drawn you to a specific course of study. Again, you’ll need to answer the school-specific Georgetown essay prompt that pertains to you. However, almost all of them will want you to reference certain experiences, skills, or interests that have led you to your school of interest.

As Georgetown is a diverse community, the Admissions Committee would like to know more about you in your own words. Please submit a brief personal or creative essay which you feel best describes you and reflects on your own background, identity, skills, and talents. (approximately 1 page, single-spaced)

Georgetown College essay example

This essay is a combination of a “why major” and “why school” essay all in one. Why do you belong in that particular school and program at Georgetown? If you know your specific major interests and career goals, feel free to mention them!

Looking at Georgetown essay examples may help you in crafting your own essay. Additionally, you might want to check out these before starting this school-specific Georgetown essay.

Tamara: I applied, attended, and graduated from the School of Foreign Service. I distinctly remember that this essay was one of the hardest I had to write during my own college admissions cycle. I was worried that I was not educated enough on any global issues to discuss them intelligently, let alone propose suggestions. With advice from teachers and college counselors, I ultimately wrote an essay that earned me a spot in Georgetown’s Class of 2015. If you, too, are seeking admissions to the School of Service, here are some of the key tips to keep in mind as you begin writing your supplements:

This one-page Georgetown essay will be similar to the personal statement in the Common App. However, you won’t have multiple essay prompts to choose from. Essentially, this Georgetown essay will be a combination of a cultural diversity and personal statement essay—a sort of hybrid take on each. Let’s take a look at the prompt again:

Here are the current essay prompts for Georgetown’s .

So just how important are your Georgetown supplemental essays when it comes to your “how to get into Georgetown” ? Put simply—they’re very important. Georgetown admissions really does care what applicants write in their Georgetown essays. is a top-ranking, competitive university with a low acceptance rate. Therefore, the candidate pool is full of many academically high-achieving students who can’t all be accepted. Most everyone will have impressive GPAs, rigorous course loads, ample extracurriculars, and high test scores.

Look at our to read other Georgetown essays that worked.

Go beyond the superficial with this (and every) Georgetown essay. The impact of the extracurricular activity is much more important than the activity itself. Truly consider how it’s shaped your personality, values, skills, or goals. And, if you feel like it is central to your experience, consider touching on a challenge you’ve faced or a specific opportunity you took advantage of.

The Georgetown essay prompt 3 is… quite confusing.

This is where each Georgetown essay can play a pivotal role in the admissions process. The Georgetown essays are opportunities to show the admissions officers just what makes you stand out from the crowd. These Georgetown supplemental essays should be uniquely yours—they shouldn’t read as though any student could have written them. This unique insight into your life helps admissions imagine the contribution you’d make on campus. Basically, with a admissions process, they are an important factor in the admissions decision process.

Washington, D.C: Georgetown University Press.Brustad, K.

Admissions carefully looks for students who will add to and benefit from the . They want students who care about being a part of something bigger than themselves. They place importance on traits such as motivation, resilience, and ambition when considering applicants. This is why with each Georgetown essay you’ll want to take your responses deeper than simply surface-level.

Washington, D.C: Georgetown University press.Ge, X.

Brynlee: Like the NHS essay, the MSB essay is a fairly straightforward academic interests essay. The Georgetown business program embodies many of the same features that characterize the university’s other undergraduate schools, such as international engagement and service to others.