How to Start a Conclusion in an Essay?

In this blog, we’ll show you exactly how to start an essay—step by step. From getting organized in the prewriting stage to crafting a strong introduction, we’ve got you covered.
An opening sentence for an essay starting with an anecdote, joke, or fun fact is a great way to set a friendly tone. A little fun story serves two purposes: it demonstrates your argument while engaging the reader. Such essay starters are widely used in narrative and . However, using this technique in academic research would be inappropriate.

Begin your essay in a humorous way only when it fits the context and aligns with the main subject. Some students may wonder whether it's worth starting an essay with a definition. The answer is yes and no. Don't define a term that everyone is familiar with. Teachers don't need the interpretation of apparent concepts (such as "friendship" or "education"). After all, you want your reader to take your writing seriously.

It makes sense to include a brief explanation if your essay focuses on a complicated subject or exotic phenomenon. As you can see beginning an essay isn’t that complicated; it just takes some time and practice to nail it. You should get ready for testing which tactic works best. Explore what strategies do help engage your reader and apply them next time. But before submitting an essay, double-check it for grammar mistakes and make sure it's easy-to digest using our . Believe, no tactic will work if the final piece is full of errors. In case you don’t have much time to create an appealing introduction or just need extra assistance, entrust your assignment to our expert writers. They are always here for you to jump-start any essay and deliver the final piece that’s beyond all expectations. Not all essays are the same. Some ask you to argue a point, some ask you to explain something, and others might want you to tell a story. Knowing which type of essay you’re writing will shape how you start and what tone you use. The opening words of an essay should immediately enmesh the reader in your wiles. Purpose-written paragraphs have broader latitude to do so than have found quotations. To start with a quote is not wrong, but you may do better, as onomatomaniak suggested, to "think of an engaging first sentence that makes the reader think you have something interesting to say."

How To Start An Essay Introduction Examples

While the organization and structure described in this handout are necessary components of an effective persuasive essay, keep in mind that writing itself is a fluid process. There are no steadfast rules that you need to adhere to as you write. Simply because the introduction is the first paragraph in your essay does not mean that you must write this paragraph before any other. Think of the act of writing as an exploration of ideas, and let this sense of exploration guide you as you write your essay.

How To Start An Essay On Accident

When your grade is on the line, you don’t want your professor yawning before he or she even reaches the body of your essay. A bored professor might rush through grading your essay or overlook your main points, which could cause you to receive a lower grade. Using an attention grabber will engage your reader and make your essay more enjoyable. Consider these strategies to grab your professor’s attention from the first sentence:

How To Start An Essay With A Quote

Will asking a question grab your reader’s attention? Yes. When you begin your introduction paragraph with a thought-provoking question it forces the reader to pause and consider the answer. By asking questions in your essay introduction, you force your reader to pay closer attention to your writing. If you use this strategy, just be sure to keep your question simple and related to the topic of the essay. Though you want to slow your reader down, you also don’t want to confuse them or distract them from the rest of your essay.

How To Start An Essay About A Book

I'm sure great essays can be started with quotations, because there are so many great quotes to be found, and I hope someone will present examples. But you often have more freedom of expression and can get to the point more quickly without one.

How do I begin writing an essay?

A profound quote from an expert on your topic can serve the dual purposes of capturing your reader’s attention and building your credibility. Quotations in your introductory paragraph will stand out simply because the voice of the person who is quoted will contrast with your writing style. Who the quotation is from is often more important than what the quotation is saying. When you select a quotation, be sure to quote renowned figures. For example, if you were writing an essay on the Supreme Court, a quote from a Supreme Court justice would be more interesting to your reader than a quote from an unknown law professor.