Legalization of Medical Marijuana Essay

In what illnesses can other forms of cannabinoid use help? Marijuana does not have a specific therapeutic effect, but it can reduce the severity of symptoms in many situations. It allows these medicines to be used as second-line medicines to support the main line of treatment (Grinspoon, 2020). For example, medical marijuana can reduce pain by altering perceptual pathways in the brain. It is very important for migraines, aggressive types of cancer, and arthritis.

After the above description of the effects of marijuana use, it is important to consider the issue of addiction to these substances. The risk of addiction is around nine percent but increases in proportion to the number of times you smoke per week and can reach 30 percent (Cox et al., 2019). After the above description of the effects of marijuana use, it is important to consider the issue of addiction to these substances. The risk of addiction is about nine percent (alcohol: 15 percent) but increases in proportion to the number of times person smoke a week and can reach 30 percent (Cox et al., 2019). Most addicts show decreased motivation, increased anxiety, irritability, and slowed thinking processes. Optimistically, the body can recover after just one month from complete withdrawal.

The federal government classifies marijuana as a drug, a Schedule 1 substance, while the state's opinion is that marijuana could be used for medical purposes such as treatments, relief of pain, and even cures.

Legalization of Medical Marijuana Essay

An overwhelming percentage (95%) of those who support general legalization of marijuana favor the sale and use of medical marijuana in their state. Yet even a majority (55%) of those who do not favor general legalization of marijuana say that the sale and use of medical marijuana should be allowed.

The use of marijuana as medicines can have a positive effect on mental health and also help in the treatment of some diseases. At the end of this speech, it should be made clear that everyone must decide whether to use marijuana for medicinal or recreational purposes. For that purpose, this study provides brief but important information on medical and conventional marijuana. In doing so, it is important to rely on the legal framework of the state of residence. Despite their controversial status, cannabis products can be very useful in certain areas, provided that they are well researched and relatively safe to use.

About six-in-ten (61%) Republicans favor permitting medical marijuana in their state compared with 76% of independents and 80% of Democrats. Conservative Republicans are the least likely to support legalization of medical marijuana; still, 54% favor this while 44% are opposed. At least three-fourths in all other partisan and ideological groups favor this.

Medical marijuana refers to the process in which the chemical part or plant part of marijuana is used to treat certain diseases and conditions. It is essential to note that medical marijuana can also be described as recreational marijuana; however, the objective in this case is not pleasure but rather, treatment and medical purposes. The marijuana plant is comprised of approximately 100 different chemicals known as cannabidiol (CBD) which are used in medicine (Wen et al., 2019). The delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol are the main ones used in medicine and treatment. Approximately two thirds of states in the America has legalized marijuana for medical treatment. This is coupled up with bills and policies under consideration supporting the legalization of this drug. This paper aims at analyzing the advantages and disadvantages associated with medical marijuana. Comprehensive details will be provided on the pros and cons of this medical treatment alongside explanations.

History of medical marijuana essay

Medical marijuana is a Schedule I controlled drug, prescription of which the regulators govern to avoid addiction development; however, its pain management benefits are significant. Cannabinoid pharmaceuticals today are part of cancer treatment because they help address the chemotherapy consequences and reduce the risks of tumor growth. Medical marijuana also is an effective antiepileptic agent, yet its dosage must be carefully selected to make it beneficial.

Why marijuana should be used for medical use

The most prevalent use of medical marijuana in the United States is for pain control. Healthcare institutions are increasingly employing CBD in the management of mild pain conditions as this drug is not considered strong enough for severe pain such as broken bones or post-surgical pain. However, it has been proven effective in the management of painful conditions that plague most of the American population, especially, the older adults. Part of the allure is that it is inherently safer compared to opiates and can therefore be used to replace NSAIDs such as Aleve and Advil (Pacula & Smart, 2017). Additionally, marijuana is considered beneficial to opiates as it lacks the addictive nature; one important factor to understand is that only the useful part of the plant is extracted. Marijuana contains more than 100 chemicals known as cannabinoids. Each of these chemicals has a different effect on the body. For medical purposes, only the Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD) are used. Particularly, marijuana eases the pain of various sclerosis and nerve pain in general. This is an area where there are few other optional medical treatments. However, these treatments are highly sedating compared to marijuana. Patients claim that marijuana provides them with the ability easily and quickly resume their daily activities without the feeling of disengagement.

Why marijuana should be used for medical use

Far more Americans favor allowing marijuana for prescribed medical purposes than support a general legalization of marijuana. But the proportion who thinks the use of marijuana should be legal has continued to rise over the past two decades.

Why marijuana should be legalized essay example.

Marijuana is a good and effective muscle relaxant. Research has proven that the chemicals contained in marijuana lessen the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. It is also proven effective when it comes to endometriosis and fibromyalgia (Pacula et al., 2015). According to the animal research conducted, marijuana calms muscle spasticity. Spasms originate from areas of the brain that are responsible for movement including sites that have an abundance of cannabinoid receptors. In an experiment conducted, researchers observed that rodents became more animated under the influence of small marijuana doses. However, they became less active when they were provided with larger doses consequently proving that marijuana affects muscle movement and control. Another advantage associated with marijuana is that it can be employed in the management of weight and nausea. This consequently influences the treatment of certain conditions such as glaucoma. One promising research area is that marijuana can be employed in treating veterans that have PTSD returning from combat. It is essential to note that veterans are the most susceptible groups of people when it comes to PTSD (Martins et al., 2016). As a result, research has been dedicated towards finding an effective method and strategy that can help in the management of PTSD. Recent studies conducted identify ways in which cannabinoids helps in the treatment of PTSD. First, cannabis is associated with the reduction of amygdala activity- the part of the brain that is responsible for fear and threat responses. Additionally, the plant’s cannabinoids play a significant role in reducing traumatic memories consequently helping the alleviation of depression and PTSD.