Applying TEAL Style to Essay Writing

It is a simple yet effective structure for writing body paragraphs in an essay. This structure helps to organise your thoughts and present a clear and concise argument to the reader. By following the TEEL structure, you can ensure that your writing is well-structured, easy to understand and convincing.

In this Blog, we will go over how to write a TEEL paragraph with a step-by-step guide and explain each term with the help of examples starting off with understanding the TEEL paragraph more.

The TEEL Paragraph structure is a simple and effective way to organise body paragraphs in an essay. In TEEL Paragraph T stands for Topic sentence, E stands for Explanation, E stands for Evidence, and L stands for Link For. By following the TEEL Paragraph, you can ensure your writing is well-structured, easy to understand and convincing.

Expanding TEAL Style Paragraphs

Topic Sentence: The topic sentence is the first sentence in a body paragraph. It introduces the main idea or argument that you will be discussing in that paragraph. It should be clear, concise and directly related to the main topic of your essay.

My Assignment Help. Future Of Management: Teal Or Not - An Essay. [Internet]. My Assignment Help. 2021 [cited 16 December 2024]. Available from: .

You raise valid points. As a former senior English teacher who’s worked in different educational settings I see the point of teaching it to students as a basic format. I have taken it further with the CAT PEEL TAG format for the whole essay, even colour coding the different sections for beginners (ESL and non-ESL students). I have had students tell me they add an extra E to produce TEEEL/ PEEEL paragraphs! However, they’re struggling with introductions and conclusions, as are some teachers, hence the whole essay format above. I agree that it is important to have a basic learnt structure and also that, once mastered, they need to be shown (and allowed) to break the rules. Teach them how to walk, then show them how to hop, skip and run freely.

Explanation: The explanation section provides more detail on the topic sentence. It should explain why the topic sentence is important, how it supports your overall argument and what evidence you will be using to support it.

Year 7 Essay, Task 2 TEAL revision

It’s easy to teach a formula when the curriculum is so packed. I also find that some students like to follow the TEEL structure because it’s easy for them to see if they’ve been successful, and they don’t like to fail. When we start playing around with structure and take away the scaffold, they are more likely to make mistakes. I think an important point is changing the culture of schools and attitude of students- that it’s okay to fail. I dont think we always have the time at school to provide enough opportunities for students to learn through failing.
I try to encourage my students to use TEEL as a checklist rather than the structure of their paragraph.

Full TEAL body paragraph sample

Thanks so much for reading and responding. Very interested to hear about the angst and disbelief. Makes me wonder whether English is becoming removed from actual writing in the world beyond school, and wedded instead to what is demanded in reductive rubrics. Yet I know the Victorian Association for the Teaching of English has run a very popular series of workshops called “Beyond TEEL”. There’s a hunger out there to move beyond it. Hope you might be able to use the post for faculty discussion.

How to Write a Poem Analysis Essay

On the other hand, I have found it entrenched in assessment rubrics and in teaching practices, often I have found suggesting a move away from TEEL is met with angst and sometimes disbelief. This is the attitude that I have found most troubling. Are we killing the teaching of analytical writing when we lean too heavily on formulae?

How to Write a Poem Analysis Essay

Thanks so much for reading and responding to our post. I love how you talk about students discussing different writing styles and options. This is what rigid use of TEEL shuts down: the learning that comes with an evaluative approach to different models or examples. High stakes and pressurised environments, though, make it hard for teachers and students to resist the apparent solutions that formulas offer. “Where is the pleasure?” is such an important question, too. Perhaps we need to consider TEEL as significant in the disengagement with school at the middle years?

This means that every part of your essay will need the following:

There is a difference between being listened to and being heard. Being heard suggests a deeper level of understanding and empathy, where the listener acknowledges and responds to your perspective, concerns and needs, internalizes what you have shared and takes action.