While some people believe that video gaming...

I will control how much time is spent playing video games; make sure that they take extended periods away from video games to get their homework completed and to get daily exercise.

There are an abundance of good video games for children to play, but as a parent, I have been a witness to most of these negative effects for over 10 years and I am not going to let my step-son or any of my children play video games excessively.

Children become addicted to video games which may carry over into their adulthood; they may lose all sense of reality, and their addiction to video games may become so severe, that tragedies happen because of that addiction.

Video games have been around since the early 1970s.

I have a personal connection with this subject because a member of my family was constantly playing video games, not getting any physical exercise, became a social outcast, and over a short period of time became obese.

(As a side note, they’re also more likely to to watch sports.)Like video games, youth sports were made possible by the incredible rise of , , and in American society over the past 50 years.

And both of those sports creep into the worship of God, creep into family time.”Like video games, sports appeal more to boys, and weirdly, for some of the same reasons.

Some argue that immersion is the players temporary belief that they are in another world. That would be spatial presence. and some are saying that it is simply how engrossed in the game you are. I’d say that it is a variety of different stimuli that cause Immersion. Realism, Detail, Strong story/Characters, Interactivity, And maybe the most important is player interest. Forza 3 is graphically very impressive, allows complete customization of every aspect of your car, features real locations and allows you to compete against real people. However if you dont like cars you aren’t going to be immersed no matter how real it is. however on the flip side there are other things that could draw you in. for example i have a friend that dispises games with a passion. one day a group of us was playing Mortal Kombat 3 for sega (Nostalgia) and had convinced him to join in. Turned out that all he needed was the competition of other players to become immersed. I think it’s going to be impossible to nail a singular definition of what immersion is because for each person it could be different things that cause it. Not experienced at all as far as psychology goes so if anyone has a term to put to anything im interested to hear it. :p

The popularity of video games has only rose since its debut in the...

Over the past few years, there have been many advances in good video games and game systems, such as the Wii from Nintendo and the EyeToy Kinetic from Sony, which engage the players with the game (Barros, et al, 2012).

The success of ‘Pong’ has found a new video game industry.

Video game addictions and its symptoms mirror other addictions so closely, that it was almost classified as “an official psychiatric disorder” (Lee, Finley, 2011) by the American Medical Association (AMA) in 2007.

In 2017, Americans spent $36 billion on video games, which was...

Also stated, by Belanger and Wagner (2011), “the Council on Science and Public Health recently proposed adding video gaming addiction to a list of formal disorders, such as drug addiction”.

Playing videogames has also always meant playing games that look like

The increase of video games addictions has prompted the opening of clinics in countries such as the Netherlands, United States, China, and other countries around the world, to help combat the effects of video game addiction (Belanger, Wagner, 2011).

Video games were first introduced in the 1970s.

But Robert and Brad wanted to implement a program that would intentionally connect students to each other and to God, that would consider video gaming through a Kuyperian worldview.

People who play video games display fluid intelligence, or

Also according to Lee and Finley (2011), parents in Reno, Nevada were arrested “after their obsession with video games caused them to neglect to feed their two young children”.

Since video games are driven by goals

According to Lee and Finley (2011), a couple in Korea went to a local establishment to feed their video game addiction, only to return home over five hours later to find their four month old baby girl dead because she was left alone.