Rated #1 Best AI Detector by Forbes!

Many copywriters and students are using ChatGPT and other such tools to write for them. And as teachers and publishers are now finding ways to detect synthetic content with the help of AI detectors like , many companies have flooded the market with the promise of re-wording their ChatGPT output in a way that would bypass AI detection tools.
We then took this output and ran it in HuggingFace’s free AI detection tool, which returned a 15% “Real” score. This is especially disappointing, since this free tool is trained on GPT-2 data, and is notoriously easy to bypass, even without a Humanizer. AI Humanizers will take any output generated from an AI chatbot, and rewrite it in a way that is supposedly undetectable by AI checkers. This process could mean that the output is paraphrased several times until it passes this tool’s internal AI detection solution. Netus is another tool gaining traction with the promise of bypassing all popular AI content detection tools. They offer a free trial so you can try their AI bypasser V1 and V2. We ran another essay generated by ChatGPT(3.5) on Plato. The original output scored 0% human on , so we tried putting this content through Netus AI to see if we could bypass our detection systems. In all fairness, we also wanted to test it on another AI writing detection tool to see if perhaps, we’d have more luck. So we tried the new content on Huggingface’s free tool, and we found that it assessed it as “Real”, or human. With the emergence of several AI essay checkers, many tools have now been developed to rewrite AI generated content to bypass AI detection tools.

Write, study, and research faster while remaining undetectable

I use this AI humanizer tool to fine-tune the emails and presentations I usually create with Chat GPT. I am quite impressed by the quality of results every time I use this humanizer. The tool simplifies my text and makes it sound quite natural and fluent. This humanizer has saved a lot of my time and improved my work quality!

Here is where our AI Humanizer tool steps in.

After testing several popular AI humanizing tools on the market, it’s clear that while they can sometimes bypass basic AI detectors like HuggingFace, more advanced systems like Winston AI are still able to reliably detect AI-generated content even after it has been rewritten. Though these tools claim to make AI output undetectable, they fail when put to the test against state-of-the-art AI detection systems. While AI humanizers may succeed in fooling some basic detectors in the short term, as AI detection systems continue to advance, their effectiveness will likely diminish. For now, advanced AI detectors remain superior at identifying synthetic content, but the cat-and-mouse game between generators and detectors will likely continue as both sides evolve new techniques.

Sign up today and experience the power of AI Humanization.

AI text humanizers are tools that take text generated by AI systems like ChatGPT and rewrite it in an attempt to make it seem more human and bypass AI detection systems.

An AI text humanizer can do the following:

Yes! All users who sign up get access to 10 free credits daily, which can be used across all our tools: Write (research paper assistant), Study (mind maps, notes, and flash cards from anything), Stealth (humanize AI-written text), and Chat.

Here are the most common signs of AI writing that detectors focus on:

They use natural language processing techniques to analyze the AI-generated text and paraphrase it, change wording, and alter sentence structures to disguise its synthetic origins. The goal is to fool AI detectors into thinking the content was written by a human.

Write essays with AI and go COMPLETELY Undetectable.

In some cases they may succeed in bypassing basic AI detectors, but more advanced systems like Winston AI are easily able to identify AI text even after it has been processed by humanizers.