Exemplification Essay Thesis Examples
When you’re working on a classic , you need to support your thesis or main argument with evidence. This can be examples from real life, statistics or it can be data that gives strength to your thesis. For example, in an argumentative essay defending that creative activities help develop a child’s mind, one could cite a (fictional) Harvard Professor Snobb who stresses the importance of art or music based activities for the development of all cognitive functions. This would be a fine piece of evidence for an argumentative essay, but it wouldn’t be quite perfect for an exemplification essay. This is because the evidence endorses your thesis, but doesn’t offer a clear example from real life in support of your thesis. Exemplification essays are more particular versions of argumentative essays, because they are able to shed light on why a particular opinion or perspective is correct. They do this by offering clear, easy to understand examples from life.
When you read the definition of an exemplification essay, you might feel a flash of—that’s it? Essentially, an exemplification essay asks you to prove a thesis or main argument through the use reasons supported by examples. Sometimes teachers even refer to this type of essay as an illustrative essay (because the examples illustrate your point). In lieu of this, occasionally students protest and say, but don’t all argumentative essays use examples to prove their thesis? And the answer is: sometimes/it depends.
An exemplification essay is the type of essay that teachers love to assign, because it sounds complex and it scares students. Okay, maybe (most) teachers don’t want to scare students, but they do like to test student knowledge and understanding. An exemplification essay is a perfect example of something that sounds complicated but actually isn’t at all. It just happens to be a type of essay that teachers don’t assign as often as other types (, , , etc.) because this is a very, very specific type of writing assignment. An exemplification essay, at its core, is just a more precise type of argumentative essay.
Exemplification Essay Examples College Level
Before working on the exemplification essay outline, make sure you find a suitable exemplification essay example that will complement your entire content. Once done, you can move forward to develop your essay outline. The introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion are the three important parts of this essay. All the content should be equally divided throughout your essay. Make sure that all your information in the content is well organized.
Now that you have chosen a topic among the wide range of topics for the exemplification essay, the next step is to start generating ideas. Brainstorm to find examples to support your evidence. You may refer to real-life experiences and scientific studies to find compelling exemplification essay ideas that will vividly illustrate your chosen subject. Do not just select one example; try to find multiple examples so that you can select the one that will align with your concept.
If you are a university, you can easily find the best exemplification essay topics for college students. Some of the exemplification essay topics on which you can write your essay are listed below.
A few of the steps that you need to follow while writing your exemplification essay are listed right below. Moreover, if you get stuck on any of the below-given steps and feel the need for assistance, consult an expert writer for it. You may anytime seek and make the essay writing process easier and more approachable.
Here are some good exemplification essay topic examples for you:
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Follow these tips to make your exemplification essay stand out.
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Below is a sample of the exemplification essay:
Questions tend to vary depending on the kind of topic you want to write about. One thing you have to put into consideration is the type of questions you choose. Remember, it has to be effective and provide detailed information. Check out for ten questions to consider for your exemplification essay below:
Here is an exemplification essay topics list for students:
In fact, writing this kind of essay does not require any incredible skills, while the process of achieving the desired result can be described in three stages, including reading the article, choosing the topic that seems the most interesting, and, of course, writing the paper. Another step might be to preview the exemplification essay examples. So, as you can see, everything is not so difficult. Well, let’s quickly get down to business.
How to Write an Exemplification Essay - A Complete Guide
Ultimately, exemplification is a powerful rhetoricalstrategy that you have seen and used throughout your life. By viewing communicationin terms of this strategy, you can become a better critical thinker, analyzingexactly why you marshal the evidence that you do and how what you say ispersuasive through the examples you provide your audience. Whether you arearguing a point in a paper, discussing personal preferences with friends, orbeing sold an item in an advertisement, you can witness and wield the persuasivepower of exemplification almost anywhere.