Conclusions to IELTS opinion essays should do two things:

Of course, sometimes explaining your point means that you oppose it to someone else’s. However, you don’t want to sound aggressive and resentful. Your task is to state your position and the reasoning behind it. Do it with carefully chosen words and positive assertions.
You can use anecdotes to illustrate your point and humanize abstract arguments; however, do not try to substitute evidence with them. Back up your opinions with facts and numbers – and only then use anecdotes to provide a human aspect. Yes, this essay’s entire point is to convey what you think, but the focus should be not on you, but on the issue that is important to your audience. You can sound more objective by presenting an issue as a problem and your opinion as a proposed solution to this problem. This way you have higher chances of interesting your audience and winning their sympathies. Nothing teaches as well as good examples. If you still not sure how to approach your opinion essay, contact us and we will assign your personal – a professional with years of writing experience and expertise in the area of knowledge most relevant to your task. Your personalized custom-made sample will be ready on the deadline that you have specified and done precisely according to your requirements. It also will be much cheaper than a lesson with a tutor. Study smart! Controversial topics are usually widely disputed, so there is a chance many people have already expressed their opinions similar or opposing to yours. In your essay, make an effort to sum up, acknowledge previous debates, and build upon them. Moreover, some essay prompts require you to express your opinion on topics you haven’t pondered over previously, so you might need some time and additional information to form an opinion. Research is one of the crucial steps for writing every essay. You might think you don’t need to look for evidence – “It’s my opinion essay, I know why I think that!” However, to write an essay, you must know your subject inside out. Your opinion should be informed and you must be aware of all opposing claims to understand where the other side is coming from.

The purpose of writing an opinion essay is:

It is different from a persuasive essay because you don’t try to prove your opinion to be the only right one. Instead, you just explain why you think so and leave it up to your audience to make conclusions. As a rule, opinion essays rely more on factual evidence and less on emotional impact than persuasive essays.

An opinion essay outline contains:

First, let’s find out how opinion essay is different from other types of essays. An opinion essay is a piece of academic writing where you express your take on a controversial topic and explain your reasons for holding this opinion.

An opinion essay has three parts:

In this post, we’ll show how to write opinion essay fast and easy, even if you never have done this before. However, if you need an essay ready ASAP, we can help you out!

Opinion Essay on Online Classes

Of course, your opinions as such are valid. However, the main purpose behind this slew of assignments is to prepare you for a life in a democracy, where citizens need to express their opinions coherently, but also back them up with evidence and be aware and respectful of the opposing side’s point of view. Writing opinion essay is a great training ground for that.

Opinion Essay Space Exploration

At college, you will be asked to write your own opinion in an essay or make a PowerPoint presentation for debates more than once. Even the IELTS exam puts a strong emphasis on the opinion-writing component, as a crucial skill that language speakers need to acquire. This can make you wonder why everybody is so interested in your opinions on animal rights or the legal drinking age.

Following are the tips for writing an opinion essay:

By now you must have learned how to write an opinion essay. This guide covers the essential aspects, from picking topics to crafting compelling arguments