Here are some topics for opinion essays to inspire you:

Once the topic is selected, most students immediately rush into writing the essay’s text. This approach is only seemingly simpler, as saving time on preparation, and starting writing “cold”, often leads to a brain freeze when the writer is stuck at the very first paragraph lacking ideas to move forward.

A far superior way to start an opinion writing is by making an outline. On a separate piece of paper or the first page of an electronic document, you should write down the approximate contents of every structural element of your essay.

Controversial topics are usually widely disputed, so there is a chance many people have already expressed their opinions similar or opposing to yours. In your essay, make an effort to sum up, acknowledge previous debates, and build upon them.

How to write an introduction paragraph for an opinion essay?

Moreover, some essay prompts require you to express your opinion on topics you haven’t pondered over previously, so you might need some time and additional information to form an opinion.

Writing an opinion essay is a great way to express your thoughts and opinions on any given topic. With some research, organization, and structure, you can easily convey your point of view. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can write an effective opinion essay and make a strong argument.

Research is one of the crucial steps for writing every essay. You might think you don’t need to look for evidence – “It’s my opinion essay, I know why I think that!” However, to write an essay, you must know your subject inside out. Your opinion should be informed and you must be aware of all opposing claims to understand where the other side is coming from.

You can use anecdotes to illustrate your point and humanize abstract arguments; however, do not try to substitute evidence with them. Back up your opinions with facts and numbers – and only then use anecdotes to provide a human aspect.

That is it! Opinion essay writing is not that challenging to master:

Any decent opinion essay example will be written with standard 1-inch margins on all sides, using 12-size font and double-spacing between the lines.

Consider an opinion essay on the topic of school uniforms:

It is vital to mind the typical opinion essay structure first. This essay type belongs to the average length essays, which are often called 5-paragraph essays. These consist of one introductory, three main body, and one summarizing paragraph. It is just a general guideline, and students are free to make their essays longer, comprising five or more body paragraphs, or shorter, i.e., two paragraphs.

Below are one of the examples of an opinion essay:

In an opinion-based essay, the author presents a point of view supporting it with important information, existing examples, and arguments. Unlike other sorts of papers, when you are writing an opinion essay you don’t have to rely on facts. It can rely only on the writers’ opinions on a topic, as long as they can back up their thoughts with convincing arguments.

The structure of an opinion essay goes as follows:

The opinion essay requires a strong introductory part. The purpose of an introduction paragraph for an opinion essay is to declare and write a thesis statement. You will have to develop your statement with some arguments in the supporting chapters. State your opinion and summarize the above-written thoughts to form an excellent opinion essay conclusion. In this article, we will tell a reader in detail how to write an opinion essay so that your result exceeds all expectations.

Here is another example for opinion essay ielts - structure:

Opinion pieces can be very short (a letter to the editor) or long-form (a research paper). For the purpose of this exercise, let’s look into how to write a 5-paragraph opinion essay.

1 Basic do’s when writing an opinion essay

Let’s start our opinion essay outline with explanations of the opinion essay format and structure. It is not the only opinion essay structure available, but it is the one we recommend. It is simple to understand and will allow you to outline and compose a high-level essay rapidly.